Chore Day, Feb 22 -- More Shopping, Cooking, and Sketching Moebius Again

I’ve been copying from The World of Edena by Moebius. This is one of the frames on page 263.

I’ve been copying from The World of Edena by Moebius. This is one of the frames on page 263.

It’s chore day and I did my chores. I shopped at the co-op, cooked meals for the family for the coming week (should last about four days, at least), and did a little sketching. I’ve mentioned that I’m fascinated with Moebius’ clean style and use of color. I’m particularly interested in his imaginative landscapes and how he does so much with so few lines. He’s a model of efficiency and lack of clutter. When he does use hatching, it’s just the right amount at the right time. I find his work amazing.

Al Fresco Art Club Challenge: Sketching and Inking

Today’s art club challenge was to sketch and ink. I decided to copy a page from Moebius’ The World of Edena. I’m a super fan of his clean line style, with no shading, minimal hatching, and flat colors. Since I’m learning to draw landscapes, I copied page 167, which shows an aerial view of a meadow in the midst of a forest stretching to the horizon. I added my three characters at the bottom left as they hustle across the open grass.

Sketching, painting, and compositing

Today I started a painting that I couldn’t finish in one hour. It was a somewhat complex painting of two of my characters passing each other on the street, Jimmy Jay and Topaz the feral cat. So far I’ve got a sketch and some colors. My contract says that if I don’t finish in one hour, I have to post the work in progress.

I scanned the sketch before I started painting. Too many times I’ve been lazy and didn’t take the 2 minutes to scan and have regretted it.

Off to a good start. Gotta work on the extended arm perspective.

And the colors.