A View from the Deck

My puppy kept me busy all day. I’ve walked him at least six times and my partner walked him as many. That’s life with a 10-week old puppy.

In all of the activity, I rejoiced that I found a couple of hours to work out on the treadmill and then do a sketch.the view our deck. The little houses are my favorite part of this picture. This picture may not look it, but it was done with a pencil brush and a heavy application of the smudge tool.

Background Image for Page 4 -- Setting Sun

This is a potential background image for page four, The kids will be looking down on a crowd of animals who are also going to the circus. I say potential background because I may come up with something else tomorrow. I hope that I’ll be satisfied with this one. I’m trying to spend less time painting background images for this book — they’re hard to do and they take up a lot of my time. To get to this painting, which I like, there were 20 that I didn’t like.

I painted this with Clip Studio Paint’s default Round Watercolor brush. To get the texture to look right for a 300dpi image, it’s necessary to scale up the texture in the brush settings.

Al Fresco Art Club Challenge: Sketching and Inking

Today’s art club challenge was to sketch and ink. I decided to copy a page from Moebius’ The World of Edena. I’m a super fan of his clean line style, with no shading, minimal hatching, and flat colors. Since I’m learning to draw landscapes, I copied page 167, which shows an aerial view of a meadow in the midst of a forest stretching to the horizon. I added my three characters at the bottom left as they hustle across the open grass.

Chore Day, Feb 15, 2020 -- Looking Eastward

looking_east_feb_15_2020_blog.png graphite, landscape, Southern Oregon

Chore day is traditionally filled with thoughts of food, from shopping for food, to cooking food, and to eating food. Today I went to the co-op as usual, and cooked my furry boys’ food, as usual, and baked some cookies, as usual. What I did not do was cook a big batch of meals for the next week. I just didn’t feel like spending all day in the kitchen. I’ll bake the veggie loaf and Brussels sprouts (with pecans) tomorrow.

When I had a few moments I made a quick sketch of the view from my kitchen window using a plain old pencil.

Al Fresco Art Club Challenge -- Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Today I decided to challenge myself by doing another gouache painting. Gouache is the medium I’m least comfortable with. I used a single acrylic 1/2-inch flat brush to paint a green plastic lawn chair. I decided to change the colors a little because I didn’t have premixed colors that made me happy.

My goal is to learn to paint using the least possible amount of gear, and, if possible, to be skilled at painting pictures using only a single brush. I’m looking for one brush to rule them all.