Cooking day, April 17, 2022

I love pen and ink. This was a seven-minute sketch. Get a load of those ears!

Today was a cooking day: mushroom and barley soup, peanut butter cookies, and polenta crust pizza. All went well but the polenta doesn’t make a convincing crust. Let’s call it a mush pizza and be done with it.

All in all a refreshing day.

August 1, 2021 -- What Used to Be Al Fresco Art Club Day & Procreate

Today, Sunday, would normally be an Al Fresco Art Club Challenge day, but our puppy is still dominating everyone’s mind space. We’re working on giving him what he needs to become a polite, happy member of the household. His biggest challenge is not to nip at everything, including hands, shoelaces, dish towels hanging on their hooks, and everything else that catches his eye. He’s in constant motion from the moment he wakes up to the last hour of the day. I’m looking forward to the time when he realizes that he should always do his business outside, and when he feels relaxed enough to curl up at my feet and take a nap.

My challenge these days is to find time to draw. Sitting at my desk with my Cintiq is what I do when I have a sizeable block of time, but these days, my blocks of time are measured in milliseconds. I have time to draw and sketch with a pen or pencil and paper, or I can quickly open my iPad and do something quick. Today’s sketch was one of those quickies.

The major advisory for using the iPad is that it’s critically important to find a healthy and ergonomic posture. Hunching over an iPad is an invitation to tech neck.

Quick sketch of Jimmy Jay channeling Keanu


A busy day with my square job annoyingly cut into my drawing time. Rather than doing something lazy, such as posting a picture of my new A3-size scanner, I thought I’d do a quick iPad sketch. This upward-facing view is a first attempt at drawing a “Keanu”, the Keanu standing in the rain in “Break Point” howling a grief-stricken “NOOOOOOO!” to the indifferent heavens.

All digital today with no regrets or self-recriminations.

A quick sketch that’s telling me to work on my up-nose perspective skills. And foreshortened hands, too.