Perspective Problems -- Hands Coming Out of the Page

hands_perspective.png, hands perspective, coming out of the page,

I’m trying to draw Buddy with superhero hands coming straight out of the page. I can’t get a grip on this perspective. This is humbling and I concede defeat. Drawing foreshortening is a simple concept, but my brain seems to say, “What the hell is this? I’m going to draw these hands like an eight-year old would.”

I’ll have to practice with pencil and paper before I can get this right. Once I get something decent, I’ll scan it in to Clip Studio Paint. Live and learn, one inch at a time.

Initial Sketches for Betty Burro and Jimmy Jay Climbing a Sheer Rock Face

I want to create an in-your-face image showing Betty Burro and Jimmy Jay climbing a sheer rock face. Betty is frustrated and angry because Buddy left them behind. Jimmy is afraid she’s going to lose her grip and fall on top of him. There’s a lot of foreshortening going on. I like the version on the right.

Quick sketch of Jimmy Jay channeling Keanu


A busy day with my square job annoyingly cut into my drawing time. Rather than doing something lazy, such as posting a picture of my new A3-size scanner, I thought I’d do a quick iPad sketch. This upward-facing view is a first attempt at drawing a “Keanu”, the Keanu standing in the rain in “Break Point” howling a grief-stricken “NOOOOOOO!” to the indifferent heavens.

All digital today with no regrets or self-recriminations.

A quick sketch that’s telling me to work on my up-nose perspective skills. And foreshortened hands, too.