A Relaxed, Laid-back Sunday, for a Change


I’ve been doodling characters for a possible web comic about my frustrating college life.

It was quiet around here today. The high temperature was 70F (21C). We sat in the yard in our new lawn chairs and soaked up a little sun. Sunshine is a luxury because we’re on the north side of the mountain and get about four hours of sunshine. We would get more sunlight if we lived above the Arctic Circle.

When the sun shines, the landscape comes to life in a hearbeat. The almond trees start blooming, and in a weeks the blossoms with be scattered in by the wind. The ants are back. The birds are back. And the weeds are back. They are deceptive, those weeds. They’re at the stage where they look lush and inviting, verdant with tiny blossoms that say, “I’m cute.” In a week they’ll be fox tails, and I’ll be whacking the hell out of them.