Chore & Al Fresco Art Club Day, Mar 27 -- Chopping Down Trees and Redoing Old Paintings

I couldn’t complete this assignment in one hour…I’ll continue next week.

I couldn’t complete this assignment in one hour…I’ll continue next week.

Today was Chore Day and Alfresco Art Club Day. For chores, I did the laundry and vacuuming, and I pruned our giant shrub growing out of control into the neighbor’s yard. What a pain in the ass, literally. The bush is on a slope and the footing was loose decorative rocks. As I was pruning a tough limb, I lost my footing and fell on my ass. Fortunately, no damage was done.

For art club, the task was to simplify an old painting. The idea was to find a way to convey the same meaning as the original, but with a simpler, more efficient technique. In other words, remove all unnecessary details such as excessive rendering and goodies that do not convey meaning.

(edited Mar 28)