The End Page

The final image…

Not counting the front and back cover images, the book will be 50 pages long, with 6 pages of front matter and 2 pages of back matter. My first book in this series had only 38 pages. With that number of pages, I set the price at $8.99 and my profit was $.50 for each copy sold. With 52 pages, I would have to set the price at about $11.99 to make $.50. So far I’ve sold 6 books, not counting the books I’ve bought myself.. That’s a whopping $3.00 in profit, which is more than I expected to make. My thought has always been that I’m doing this book to learn how to do picture books. Making big money wasn’t part of the plan. Once I’m able to make appealing books, the money will happen when it happens. All the same, making a single sale has made me a true believer in the possibilities of POD sales.

Today I had another invasive medical procedure, a cystoscopy. I’ve had about 20 of them since I was diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2009. They’re never fun. Even though I’ve been clear since 2012, I always become anxious when the doctor starts probing and suddenly goes quiet. What has he found?

Today, though, I was clear again. I’ll be able to relax and by tomorrow I’ll have forgotten about the experience. I won’t worry about it again until 2021. The silver lining of it all is that I will even more appreciate each moment I spend with my wonderful family.