Pages 38 and 39, Where Betty Succumbs to the Volcano's Nasty Sulfur Dioxide Gas

Betty encounters a poisonous volcano

Betty encounters a poisonous volcano

Betty is having a difficult time. If only she had listened to Tuca’s warnings. But, she didn’t. She confidently plunged ahead with a cavalier disregard for caution. What an impetuous girl!

I haven’t mentioned that I’m fully recovered from my fall. Out of a new respect for my spine and ribs, I conscientiously stretch my back (using the BackPod) daily. I’ve never had back pain before, and naturally, I never gave a thought to taking care of my back. It’s one of those “you don’t appreciate what you’ve got until it’s gone” experiences. After being laid up for a month, I know that I never want to take my back and ribs for granted. Live and learn.