Chore Day, Juneteenth -- Laundry and Recuperation

Not much to say about today’s chores. All is quiet and very hot in Southern Oregon. Nacho the Pug has doubled in size and is now larger than Willy the Pomeranian. And, most of the injuries from my fall two weeks ago are on the mend. I can now get out of bed without screaming, which is a noticeable improvement. I will have to do some rehab for my torn back muscles. I should be back to normal functioning in a month or two.

Overall my mood has returned to my usual cockeyed optimism.

Chore Day, June 12, 2021 - Recuperation Protocol and Drawing 9-head Tall Figures

doodling hands and 9-head tall figures

doodling hands and 9-head tall figures

My chore schedule as a little different this week. Because of my shoulder/scapula injury from my fall, which I’ve already mentioned, I restricted my chores to doing the laundry. To prevent aggravating my shoulder as it’s healing, I do not raise my left hand above my waist. Fortunately, my right arms and legs were unaffected. I’m one lucky s.o.b.

So far I’m dealing with the pain without pain killers. I’ve had muscle tears before that went into month-long spasms as I constantly stuffed myself with pain-killers and felt so good that I had the illusion I was healed, only to find that I re-injured myself as I kept lifting weights. I was an idiot know-it-all in those days. Now, I know that I don’t know much at all. I’m happy with that. Knowing that you’re clueless is actually a gift.