Chore Day, May 16, 2020 -- Collecting Old Photos from Old Hard Drives

Taco’s eyes are gorgeous! — 2011

Taco’s eyes are gorgeous! — 2011

Today, for the first time in a long time, I cooked really good food for only one dog, my hairless Pomeranian, Willy. He’s a fussy eater and I’m hoping he will deign to try the delicious tofu veggie loaf that I baked for him. If I were a diligent blogger I would have taken a picture of my culinary vegan masterpiece, but, nah! Taking pictures sometimes just takes me out of a meaningful experience. I have a good memory and I like to use it.

I spent much of the day sending my gratitude into the Universe, gratitude that I was fortunate to share many years with Taco. I’ve been going through my photo archives on old hard drives. Keeping precious pictures on digital media is a gamble. One hard drive failure and all is lost. CD’s deteriorate in a matter of years. SSDs conk out every day. On the other hand, paper lasts for centuries. I’m going to go through my digital pictures and get them printed and put them into albums that I can enjoy by simply opening a book. No electricity required.