Chore Day, July 3, 2021 -- Back in the Groove

Bitmapped sketch of an old sketch from 2020

Bitmapped sketch of an old sketch from 2020

Today I was feeling well enough to do my chores: vacuuming and laundry. It’s been about four weeks since my fall. I’m now able to sleep on both my right and left sides, raise my left arm, and breathe without pain. My ribs are still tender, and that’s to be expected for up to 6 weeks after a rib injury. I’m able to do some gentle yoga flexibility poses so long I do them slowly. I call this progress.

The fire season is upon us. I have to be ready to evacuate at a moment’s notice. I’ve backed up my book to multiple SSDs, but in the event of a fire, I may not have time to dismantle my system and pull out those drives. So, I spent the day uploading the files for book 3 to iCloud. I have book 2 uploaded to OneDrive. The total upload for all of images in both books is about 20 GB. My upload speed it really slow, about 5 MB per second, so the initial upload will take many hours.

No drawing today. I awoke with an optical migraine and put me in a sombre mood. After I took a short nap — headaches make me sleepy — I awoke pain free. Sleep usually works for me.