Page 38: Betty Burro Finds Buddy's Family

page38_blog.jpg, Betty Burro, Butterflies, Clip Studio Paint

On page 38 Betty Burro has found Buddy’s family. To create the background image of a thousand butterfly faces, I created a brush of a single face. The brush has randomized size, opacity, and angle to give it a less static appearance. I usually prefer to paint everything by hand, but in the interest of time, a brush served me well. My concern with this picture is that Betty’s appearance evolves each time I paint her. Before I publish this book I’ll have to make color corrections for earlier version of her hair and clothing. If I can remember back to February (5 months ago), I recall that her hair was punky pink. My favorite feature in this painting is Betty’s hand. If her hand seems a touch manly it’s because I used my own manly hand as a model.