Making Kitty Cat's arms a little longer...or not

I’ve adjusted the arms, and now I think they look too adult. Hey, Kitty Cat is just a little kitten and she should have chubby, cute arms. That’s the internal dialog going on going on in my head.

It’s weird having only minutes to work on a picture. Perhaps, if I had a couple of hours, I could make three or four versions of her arms, and perhaps settle on one of them. But when I get only one chance a day, I feel like I’m left hanging…until tomorrow.

Chore Day, Feb 8, 2020, and Being a Young Artist

I’m a young artist. I’ve been drawing and painting for only four years, which makes me a very young artist. As an artist, I’m just getting started. I’m just a four-year old kid, a potential juvenile delinquent. I’m having this thought because I saw a 64-year old fashion designer with four years of training being overly praised for doing a good job at her age. The people praising her didn’t realize that she’s a young designer, as young as an 18-year old who has been designing clothes since the age of 14. Age is irrelevant to Art. Art is is long, and life is short, no matter how young or old you think you are.

My chores today included shopping at the co-op for the week’s food, cooking the furry children’s vegan chow, and baking some chocolate-oatmeal cookies. That’s it for the chores. Hurray for oatmeal cookies!

There’s no image today because I couldn’t figure out how to crop an image in Clip Studio Paint. Wow! I futzed away half an hour looking for an obvious way to do what is obvious in Photoshop. CSP has a very steep learning curve. I’m operating on blind faith that Clip Studio Paint will eventually help me work more efficiently. In the meantime, I’m frustrated.

A Floundering, Frustrating Day

I made a big mistake today. That translates to, I switched from Photoshop to the desktop version of Affinity Photo to color today’s image. The result was that I wasted today’s painting time. My first error was to forget that I need to practice using the Wacom tablet to get my touch back. My second error was to naively assume that Affinity Photo was a drop-in replacement for Photoshop. It’s not. It’s as different from Photoshop as French is different from ancient Latin. I see now that the only reason to switch to Affinity Photo is to avoid paying for Photoshop every month. I’d rather pay $50 a month than use Affinity Photo.

Here’s a doodle.

self_portrait001.jpg self portrait, pen and ink