September 25, 2021 -- Chore Day and Working on My Book for a Change

page50_line_work3.jpg, flames background, CLip Studio Paint ex

Today’s chores were doing laundry (we’re a clean family), vacuuming the house, and pruning some overgrowth in the yard. We have five huge Diadora Cedars on the edge of our property. They’re over 100-feet tall and drop a shit ton of needles every Fall. Besides that charming trait, their very long and spindly lower branches droop to the ground and make walking under them to pick up dog poop a real pain. So, I pruned enough branches to make our lives a little easier.

My other pruning chore was to clean up the solitary grape vine that covers our little shed every year. We’ve lived here for eight years, and this is the first year that the vine has produced grapes — Concord grapes, to be precise. They’re small and delicious. but I prefer seedless grapes.

I was able to do some work on page 48. I tried to create a flame background, but I can see that it needs more work.