Page One Line Work

clip_studio_page1_blog.jpg Clip Studio Paint, page one, children's picture book

Here’s my work flow:

  • Sketch with pencil

  • Ink with fine liner

  • scan

  • Open in Procreate, fiddle with it, then export to Clip Studio Paint

  • Ink

My original plan was to do everything with pen and ink and watercolor. But, there’s no way I can complete a 40 page book in 90 days without the aid of digital tools. I love pencils, paper, brushes, watercolor, but I’m simply too slow. I don’t want to spend a year on this book. Time is of the essence.

Here’s the basic line work for my first page. There’s no background for the time being. After I get all of the pages inked I’m going to paint them all at the same time.