Re-inking the Entire Project

After roughing out the book in inDesign, I realized that every image needs to be re-inked to generate a sense of consistency from page to page. Redoing every image is going to be a lot of work, but I have to do it. In my rush to meet my schedule, I started cutting corners with the images. The closer to the deadline, the more simplified the images became. Seeing them strung together in inDesign was a wake up call — I don’t want publish my first book knowingly aware that it’s crappy.

I plan to re-ink all of the images with Frankentoon’s free Procreate fine liner brush, and do the coloring with Frankentoon’s crayon brushes. I’ll have my palette of colors ready and I’ll focus on working in a consistent style from page 1 to page 32. I dream big.

I can do one of these images every evening after my square job, and maybe more on the weekends. This means that I’ll move my deadline back by a month.

Here’s today’s work. There’s something screwy with the margins!
