Page 33, Betty Burro Makes It To The Top

page33_half_complete_blog.jpg, Betty Burro, clip studio paint ex, children's picture book

I got quite a bit done today. Here’s my work flow for this day.

  • Scan my original sketch and import it into Clip Studio Paint.

  • Redraw everything several times until I get the composition I like.

  • Think about how to draw rocks and burro ears. Burro ears can go wrong and end up looking like rabbit ears. I’m still working on getting them right.

  • Ink the sketch. Clip Studio Paint has great inking tools, including vector tools that are convenient for inking and modifying line width.

  • Create two flats layers, one for the background and one for the characters.

  • Apply the characters’ colors and some of the background colors.

  • Create a layer for shadows. This layer is set to multiply. I used a blueish gray for all of the shadows. For the highlights on the stones I used a marker brush with the color dodge blending mode.

This work took six hours, with a couple of breaks to get my head clear. Overall, this was a good time.