Long day. Not able to think...

Just one of those long days at work. Now that my workload has tripled, I’m beat by the time I sit down to work on my book.

My inch of the day was trying to paint a background image, but I kept falling asleep with the stylus in my hand. At this moment I’m typing with my eyes shut. I’m yawning continuously.

There’s no point in typing another word.

My Concept of Drowning


I spent most of the day preparing for my part-time job, which goes live next Monday. There are a thousand details to update from the last time I worked with the material. I also found a few embarrassing typos that I wouildn’t want my customers to see. I had only a few moments to think about my book. The picture above is how I imagine it would look if I were caught up in a massive wave — lots of swirling currents, air bubbles, and disorientation.

By the way, some of the components for my pc build are arriving tomorrow — the motherboard and the 1TB M.2 memory stick. The CPU arrives Sunday, and the 32GB ram sticks arrive next week. Cool!

Time Crunch Means Something's Got to Give

It’s my day job that’s crunching me. Sorry Jimmy Jay, Buddy Butterfly, buddhist dachshunds, and magic buses. I have to go to do what I have to do. For the next week I’m going to stick my face into a computer terminal and do some programming magic. Truly, I’d rather be hanging out with you guys, in your world, where mice wear little suits and butterflies wear red shoes, but…something’s got to give, for a moment. Yes, I’m sad, but I have to take care of business now.

I’ll miss you all. See you on the other side.

The Day Job Intrudes on My Inch a Day Schedule

The time flew by today. When I looked up from my work, it was 6 PM…no time to move even an inch forward on my children’s picture book. I had planned to complete yesterday’s gouache painting of a Steller’s Jay, but that didn’t happen.

Time crunches happen when my day job starts a new project. and I’m responsible for getting all of the people connected and engaged. I like my day job for many reasons, and I’m grateful that I have it. My concern is that my future is in the hands of other people. There are signs that what I’m doing, and what I’m good at, may be going out of fashion. When I got into my career the Old Timers told me that everything I know on any give day will be obsolete in three years. . They were right.

But Art doesn’t go out of fashion. That’s the direction I’m going.