Al Fresco Art Club Strikes Again

The Al Fresco Art Club met indoors today. For the last couple of months the weather has been too chilly outdoors for true al fresco painting. I decided to do an ink sketch of my pug and throw on some watercolor. When I do watercolor, anything goes. I try to keep the color palette cohesive, but most of the time I lose my mind and just start guessing about what colors would be harmonious. I feel like a kid doing finger-painting and love smearing the paint around.

When I look at this particular ink and wash painting, I see my true, native style — raw black and white ink, lots of hatching and contour marks, and broad swathes of paint. I like this style a lot. It’s always fun to forget about being an “artist” and just start drawing.

When I was finished, I got to thinking that a spectator seeing my picture for the first time would think ho-hum, what a weird, wacky painting. However, that same stranger looking at a book— or series of books — made in my wacky style might think, “Interesting style! It grabs me by the guts!” There’s something to be said for quantity.

For today’s painting I used a Pentel Brush Pen loaded with Rotring ink, a 12-color Yarka White Knights watercolor set, and a $2 synthetic flat brush. I used mostly yellow ochre and burnt umber, with a carmine glaze in the shadows. Wacky! Weird! Wow!