A Rough Sketch of the Lost City of the Moai

Tuca Moai shows Betty Burro where his family lives.

I tried to imagine the kinds of houses that the Moai would live in — tall and kind of pointy.

I’ve reached the point in the book where it’s time to back off on brainstorming and get busy painting. There are 48 paintings in this book. In that past I’ve been able to create one page every four days. At that rate, it will take about six months to complete this book. I’m hoping that by using a simpler style for the backgrounds that I’ll be able to work a little faster. However, some of the pages will place me in new territory, such as painting fire and water, both waves and rainfall. It’s going to be interesting.

I’ve also been thinking about doing a Webtoon workplace comic strip about the many places I’ve worked and the amazing and bizarre people who worked with me. That would be a lot of fun…if I can find the time. My inspiration for doing a Webtoon comes from Walter Ostlie — he’s got a great Youtube channel where he shares his pro tips for producing comics and Webtoons.