Betty Burro Holding The Easter Island Volcano Demon, AKA a Tabby Cat

This is my first sketch of Betty giving the bratty volcano demon a compassionate talking to. One thing I’m going to add — tomorrow — is Betty’s right arm. And that cat looks a little not like a cat. I’ll work on her face…tomorrow.

Page 49 with More Flames

The volcano kitty finds it hard to make friends. Perhaps it’s because her motto is, “You want flames — I’ll give you flames!”

My inch of progress today is that I added a shit ton of flames to the background. After all, the volcano demon/kitty does live inside a volcano.

Page 48 Finished, or How Do You Know When a Painting is Finished?

Today I repainted the Rapa Nui volcano demon, which happens to be a rather large tabby cat. The odd thing about this cat is that it doesn’t have an inked outline like the other characters. I felt that a magical creature deserves special treatment — a magical demon shouldn’t be imprisoned in a limiting ink outline.

This page is “finished”. It’s not that it couldn’t be improved. It’s just that I can’t improve it.