Attacking the Wall Again

Tentative camera angle

This picture of Buddy airlifting his friends over the border wall has been a real learning opportunity. What I envisioned so clearly as a dramatic action shot has become a major lesson in the School of Hard Knocks — I understand that my perspective and composition exist only in my ego. I can easily imagine the picture I want, but when I start to draw and paint, I lose touch with my vision. So, this is my fifth or sixth version of this scene. I think it could be improved by moving the camera below the kids so that we’re looking up at them when the soar overhead. I’ll try that tomorrow.

It’s after work now and I’m on my chill time. I usually draw or watch art or food videos or play with some software (Artrage, Procreate, etc.) Tonight I’m going to repaint this picture using Adobe Fresco. I know…I’m off searching for the Holy Grail again, that magic software that fits my brain like a silken glove. That’s the way I roll. I’m a searcher.

Final Version of Buddy's Bright Idea for Getting Over the Border Wall

This is the final version of the page that shows Buddy describing his brilliant idea. At least he thinks it’s brilliant. He just can’t help boasting about his own awesomeness! I think it’s great when a children’s book character has character flaws. I’ll make sure that Buddy’s flaws get the attention they deserve.

Tomorrow I’ll begin the next painting, the one where we get to see a boastful butterfly magically airlift a burro over the ugly border wall into Mexico.

I’ve been tinkering with Artrage again. Now that I’m learning to paint, Artrage is calling to me again. When you buy Artrage, you get both the Windows and Mac versions, which is uncommonly generous these days.

Artrage has awesome digital natural media brushes that I’ve never been able to master. I’ve been re-watching Danial Ibanez’ instructive Artrage videos on Youtube. It’s inspiring to see a fine art painter using digital tools to create one-layer paintings.