A Cure of Clip Studio Paint Startin Up Sluggishly

Jimmy has a brilliant idea — he’ll go to Mexico with Buddy on the quest to find Buddy’s family. What else would a best friend do?

Jimmy has a brilliant idea — he’ll go to Mexico with Buddy on the quest to find Buddy’s family. What else would a best friend do?

I’ve noticed that Clip Studio Paint EX has been booting up more slowly as the number of images in my project become more numerous and get larger — more layers means larger files. The problem isn’t with Clip Studio; the problem is that all of the book’s images are stored on a slow (but large) hard disk. My solution was to borrow 500GB from the SSD I use for my Linux partition and use the fast drive for Clip Studio. Problem solved. Clip Studio now loads up the 50 pages project much faster.

While I was working on the hard drive situation, I spent some time using Linux and encountered the usual Linux pain:

  • sound doesn’t work

  • Clip Studio isn’t available for Linux

  • Photoshop isn’t available either

  • my awesome A3 scanner doesn’t work on Linux — no drivers

Enough bitching about Linux! It’s not great for doing comics, but it is great for programming and networking, which I no longer do now that I’m a full-time illustrator.