Work on the Magic Moustache Airplane Continues

The Magic Moustache Airliner is part of Magic Moustache Transportation, Inc. So far there’s a magic bus and now this magic airplane. Who knows…someday these amusing vehicles may become candidate for collectible toys. Of course, that would only happen when The Adventures of Jimmy Jay series becomes an animated movie, or perhaps a Disney live-action film. At worst, a Netflix film. Really, I’m kidding. I’m not thinking about movie rights at this point. Hmm…Studio Ghibli would be a good fit. After all, Hayao Miyazaki has a thing for airplanes, right?

So far I’ve spent a lot of time drawing the tires. Eventually I used a reference to get the fat, knobby look. I’ll be spending more time painting the kids (Jimmy and Buddy), and Betty Burro, a new character who will have her own book (The Burro Who Ran Away From The Circus), which I’ll start working on after I complete this book. I have to remind myself to take one day at a time, one inch at a time.

Creating a Magic Moustache Airliner for the Kid's Trip to Mexico

magic_moustache_airliner_blog.png, magic airliner,children's picture book

I spent the day working on this image of the Magic Moustache Airliner. The kids will be flying down to Mexico in this amazing machine. Before I’m finished I’ll need a background, Jimmy Jay and Buddy Butterfly, and a host of other passengers heading further South.

One of the nice things about print books is that they are printed at a high resolutions, which means that every rivet holding the plane together will be visible. This airplane was designed by the same maniac who invented the Magic Moustache Bus that appears in my first book,The Jaybird that Jumped Down a Chimney.