Al Fresco Art Club, Dec 22, 2019 -- Drawing an Imaginary Sparrow

We’ve been having some warm weather the past week (40F+ during the day) and flocks of sparrows have been visiting my backyard. I’ve identified them as Dark-eyed Juncos. I learned that they’re found throughout Oregon, but this is the first time I’ve noticed them in the seven years I’ve lived here. These little guys and gals are so well camouflaged against the mulch that they’re invisible until they move. They’re quite cute.

Male Dark-eyed junco Sparrow, southern oregon

My imaginary sparrow doesn’t look at all like a dark-eyed junco, but that’s what happens when I start drawing from imagination. I’m thinking that a future book wjould benefit from having one or two sparrows join the gang of critters that inhabit my imaginary world. I believe he, or maybe she, will be a rather stern goal-driven person who always wears saddle oxfords. I’ve always liked the look of saddle oxfords.

Drawn with procreate

Drawn with procreate