Finalizing the Cover Page Color Palette

The more I tinker with the cover page color palette, the darker the page becomes. So…I finally admitted that I’ve gotten off track and screwed up the color harmony. I came to my senses and dropped the idea of getting fancy with complementary colors and reverted to the Frankentoon Crayon color palette that I’ve been using for the last 12 months. Obviously, I need to learn more about color.

Here’s the final version of the cover image without the ISBN number. I see that I may have to make the text smaller. It looks like it’s too close to the cut line.

final_colors_blog.jpg book cover, cover image, children's picture book, Procreate, Frankentoon Crayon color palette

Yet another lost picture re-inked and re-painted

The great thing about collecting all of the images and text into inDesign is that I can see which pictures are missing. When I say “missing”, I mean I can’t find them anywhere on my computer even though I processed them and posted them to this blog. I know that the did exist at one unknown time in the past.

The last time I checked there are about 1.2 million files in my home directory. I have half a dozen folders with images for this project. I have no clue what the image file is named. I’ve learned that it’s actually faster to re-do the picture than to look for it. The upside is that I believe that I’ve improved the picture. It should be improved — this is the third time I’ve repainted it. Now I have to put the picture somewhere that I can find it.

first_page_final_colored.jpg re-inking another page, procreate, frankentoon brushes

Day 2 of Re-inking the "All Aboard" Picture

I expected that I would finish re-inking this today. Wrong!

If you look closely you’ll see that the rear tires are going to be eyes, pretty eyes at that, with long girly eyelashes. One of the benefits of doing children’s picture books is that you’re free to be your whimsical self ... I hope.

I’m digging this blue color scheme.

I’m digging this blue color scheme.