Chore Day Nov 6, 2021 and an orange tabby cat yelling "Nooooooo!"

Today was an interesting chore day — instead of doing laundry and vacuuming, I did the laundry and cooked a pot mushroom soup. There were 2 lbs of mushrooms in the recipe, making 4 to 6 servings. It was, of course, a vegan recipe with no dairy, and even better, no added oil. Instead using coconut milk, I used cashew milk that I made in the mighty Vitamix blender.

Later in the day I took nacho on a long high into the mountains above Ashland. The view was spectacular and my legs are aching.

I had a little time to sketch a fiery cat yelling Nooo! This is very rough sketch and, as usual, the eyes are wonky even though I focused intently on making the symmetrical.