Page32’s Final Colors, and Clip Studio Paint CMYK Woes

This is the CMYK export from Clip Studio Paint EX

This is the sRGB export of the same image from CSP

Photoshop CMYK export

Today I encountered the Clip Studio CMYK oddity. The CSP export has garish, almost neon colors that certainly will not print correctly. The CSP jpeg looks like it should, but the CMYK export is wacky. I’m going to assume that it’s not CSP, but me. I must be doing something wrong.

As a sanity check, I exported the file as a Photoshop PSB file (large file) and used Photoshop to convert the file to CMYK. The resulting image looks like the original CSP file, just as I would expect. Some of the colors are a little less vibrant, but that’s how it goes with CMYK’s smaller colorspace.

At this point I’m thinking that I’ll create the images in CSP and then export them to Photoshop to do the CMYK conversion. When I have time, I’ll dig into the CSP documentation to learn how to configure CMYK to work more like Photoshop’s CMYK.

Reworking the Kids Encountering an Unfriendly Obstaclt -- the Wall

unfriendly_wall_blog.png, clean up, barb wire, Clip Studio Paint

Today I added a little barbed wire to the bottom of the picture where the kids encounter a massive border wall. Fortunately, a little wall can’t stop my friends from visiting their families in Mexico. All it takes is a little teamwork, with everyone’s special talents coming in handy.

When I created this picture using Clip Studio Paint I didn’t know how useful folders are. I had 20 layers of ink, color, and tone intermingled randomly. Today I used my recently acquired knowledge of CSP to reorganize all the files into a mere three directories: ink, color, and sketch. I’m so pleased with myself!