Al Fresco Art Club Challenge: Use Tayasui Sketches Drawing App for iPad

Today’s art club challenge was to try a new app and use it for one hour. I chose Tayasui Sketches for the iPad. It has a simple interface and pleasing brushes. It also has some convenient shortcuts for comics such as the diagonal hatching I used for the background. The watercolor brushes are convincing, too. As usual, I didn’t bother looking at the documentation, which means I probably did everything the hard way.

The largest image size is 4k by 4k, big enough for my books, but too small for hi-res work. All the same, the app has a good feel and I’ll use it again.

Al Fresco Art Club Challenge, Jan 26, 2020: Markers

al_fresco_jan26.png Al Fresco Art Club Challenge, Copic markers, pen and ink

Today’s Al Fresco Art Club challenge was held indoors again. The good news is that it’s raining now instead of snowing and Spring is on the way. I chose this challenge today: color something with markers. I drew a couple of Jimmy Jay cartoons, a colorful airplane, and two self-portraits, one from memory (the one on the left), and one from a reference (a selfie). I’m always surprised at how little my from-memory drawings look like what they’re supposed to look like.

I’m new to using Copic markers. I learned that the ink I use for my illustrations, Rotring Rapidograph Ink, doesn’t stand up well to Copic markers — lot’s of bleeding. As I expected, my Copic Multiliners worked great and did not bleed.