Sunday, Feb 6, 2021 -- Artrage Vitae monkey business and typing 35 words a minute

I’ve tried many painting apps in my haphazard quest to learn how to paint — Painter, Photoshop, Procreate, Art Studio Pro, Krita, Clip Studio Paint, Rebelle, and on and on and on. I know the my slow progress is my fault, not the fault of any software program. First, my knowledge of the skull is civilian level. Even though I have a skill, I’m not clear on how to draw it or paint it. But my ignorance of anatomy doesn’t deter me — I just keep on drawing the same 3/4 head day after day, with one program after another and they all look the same. Today I used Artrage Vitae to paint my daily skull. I like Artrage a lot. If feels like what I imagine real oil painting feels like.

While I was typing this post I made dozens of typos. I’m going to work on improving my typing. I timed myself yesterday. I type 35 words a minute, If I could remove the errors, I’d be able to type about 45 wpm. It looks like my typing is about 25% errors. Yikes!