Today was a modified chore day. Of course I did the laundry and cooked up a batch of tasty soy curls for out sloppy joe sandwiches, but instead of vacuuming, I went for an hour-long walk with the family. We hiked to the highest point of the hills surrounding your neighborhood, then took the gravel road to the bottom, then climbed back up and then headed down to home. Today we encountered several of the local juvenile deer along our route. They are spectacular athletes as the run up the 75-degree slopes to avoid us. Last week I noticed that a bobcat was checking us out from a great distance — it was no doubt attracted by our yelping Pomeranian. His bark is high pitched and frantic and the wild ones seem to be drawn to his wild yapping.

I had time to sketch Tuca and Betty in their gas masks. My first attempt used full coverage mask that covered the entire head. They’re really creepy. To see why I say “creepy”, do an image search for “gas maks” and you’ll understand why I use that word. The vintage Russian masks are especially nightmarish. I’m going to change Tuca and Betty’s masks to something more friendly, like the fireman’s face shield mask at the top left of the picture.