Grizzly Bear Conductor, Version 2


I had time to work more on the grizzly bear conductor. I rearranged his left hand and gave him a ticket punch, gave him a colorful uniform and a giant badge to make him feel important, and gave him a lot of violet buttons that look like flowers. He’s an officious guy just doing his job of hassling riders who don’t have tickets, and now he’s going to kick our three friends off the plane. But, don’t worry. Betty Burro will take up the slack! She’s the one you want in your corner when times get stressful. In the clutch, she keeps her head and gets the job done gracefully.

I painted this picutre with the bucket tool then added a few shadows with my custom paint brush. The coloring went quickly, but in a few spots there were gaps that had to be fixed. As I’m looking at the picture now, I can see a few places that need to be touched up. Here’s a tip for my future self: Hey Doug, when you have a textured background, turn it off before you start using the bucket tool!