Sunday's Al Fresco Art Club's Artrage Challenge -- Paint A Cézanne Landscape

Farmhouses near Bellevue, Paul Cézanne

Farmhouses near Bellevue, Paul Cézanne

When the Art Club meets today, I’ll be attempting to paint a Cézanne landscape. I’ll be using the iPad version of Artrage. I’ve decided to use the roller brush because it can cover a lot of territory fast. The other brushes are limited to a size of 100% in the iPad version, which makes them tedious to work with on a canvas larger than 1500x1000. The desktop version doesn’t have the limitation of restricted brush sizes.

Here’s the masterpiece I’m working with, one of Cézanne’s lovely sunny landscapes, Farmhouses near Bellevue.


I spent an hour copying this picture. When I saved the image, Artrage crashed and my masterpiece disappeared forever. Witnesses told me afterwards that my copy was pretty good. Since the accident, I’m a little wary of using the iOS version of Artrage for critical work, but I’m not going to abandon it yet. Lots of programs crash, including Photoshop and Procreated. Artrage offers so many desirable features that I will stick with it, but in the future, I will save often, and export to the Cloud frequently.

In the meantime, here’s a random Artrage doodle done on the iPad. This is a 1536x1536 image.