Hustlng to Get the Book Done

Today was the first day of my one-week vacation. I managed to paint two pictures and start a third. I got to thinking that each picture takes about as much time as two hours of television or Youtube surfing. Now that I’ve stopped using Wi-fi, I don’t do Youtube. When I’m doing cardio, I read instead of compulsively checking the channels I subscribe to. When I’m eating a meal, I read. When I’m settling down for the night, I read. There’s a lot of reading going on now that Wi-fi isn’t an option, which is fine with me because I’m a real good reader.

As for television, I still watch it with the family for about 30 to 45 minutes at night. My shows are ANTM reruns, Project Runway, and Masterchef. I’m waiting for some new Letterkenny episodes, and of course, more Rick and Morty.

Today’s output: Jimmy trying to rescue Buddy and Jimmy hearing Buddy’s cry for help.