Chore Day, Dec 28, 2019 - A Day for Deep Thought

I’m thinking of my book. The publication date will be Dec. 31 and I have three days to pull it all together. With time running short, I’ll do the print version first and the eBook will have to wait. My big concern now is that my book has many technical errors that will mark me as a rank amateur: the characters are drawn differently from page to page, the color palette changes now and then, the line work sometimes looks digitally slick and sometimes looks as rough as a pencil drawing. I can go on and on listing flaws, but I’ll summarize by saying, I’m concerned that my first book will be judged unforgettably amateurish.

Frankly, I’m scared to put my first effort on display. But there’s no way I can move on without publishing this first book, warts and all. I gotta do it.

Other than endlessly mulling over my future as an artist, I did some cooking. I baked a batch of vegan bean burgers for my furry children, and put together an interesting Bolognese sauce for myself. After hours of excessive self-examination and kitchen work, I suddenly felt deeply exhausted. I took a restorative snooze, and when I woke up, all was well again.