A grisaille version of the chimney house


Grisaille: In fine art, the term grisaille most commonly refers to a monochrome painting technique by which a painting or drawing is executed exclusively in shades of grey. For a contemporary example, see Picasso’s Guernica.

I’ve drawn the house with the chimney that birds get trapped in dozens of times, and here it is again. I followed the grisaille process that Steven Reddy teaches in his book “Everyday Sketching & Drawing”. I sketched from a reference photo, inked it with a Uni-ball Vision pen, gave it 3 washes of watered-down black ink, then watercolored it. I like this friendly style, and I like that the picture looks finished when it’s in it’s grisaille black and white state. Adding watercolor is the icing on the cake. As Steven Terry mantra goes, “Black and white does the work; color gets the credit.”

My materials for the drawing: Uni-Ball Vision pen with black ink, Canson Montval All-Media sketchbook (best price at DickBlick.com), Daniel Smith Ultimate Mixing Palette, and a Robert Simmons 1/4 inch flat brush.

The grisaille version.

The grisaille version.