Double chore days this week

Besides the doing the vacuuming, laundry, and yard work this week, I also did the cooking. Today I cooked up a cauldron of ragu, made some gigantic millet meatballs (yes, there are reminiscent of meat meatballs), and baked a tray of apricot-fig pastries that were supposed to be classy fig newtons. The recipe called for a quarter of a cup of date sugar and a quarter of a cup of maple syrup. Unfortunately, they turned out a bit sweeter than I expected. Next time — if here is a next time — I would leave out the sugars altogether and let the apricots and figs have the stage all to themselves.

I tried to draw a little today, but my mind kept telling me to take the day off. So I did.

Chore Day, Feb 12, 2022 -- the usual chores and a trip to the big city

Today was a typical Saturday — vacuuming, laundry, walking the dogs, and more. The “more” was a trip to Medford to buy a pair of pants at the Carhartt store, some socks at REI, and a vegan-friendly burrito at Chipotle. You know you’re in a civilized town when there’s a Chipotle. The burrito was bigger than my head, so I ate only half of it.

Chore day, Feb 5, 2022 -- Still working on that picture of the dolphin with the flower on his head

Beside doing the vacuuming, laundry, and walking the dog, I had about an hour to work on the colors for page 60. Does it need more work? Of course it does. But when I realize that I have 18 more pages to do, I think that page 60 is okay and I can move on. That kind of thought runs through my head when I’m tired. Even as I write these words, I can see problems that have to be fixed. I have one word more: Tomorrow.

Jan 8, 2021: Chore Day

The chores were: to vacuum the hours; to cook a pot of golden curry and bake a batch of vegan bean patties. The bean patties are referred to as “hamburgers'“ because the look like hamburgers.

I was a little lethargic today, perhaps because I had a covid-19 booster shot yesterday. My reaction to the first two vaccinations was so minor that I can’t definitively say that I was lethargic because of the vaccine. Whatever the cause, it was low-energy day for me.

That’s all folks!

Chore Day Nov 20, 2021 -- Doing Laundry, Vacuuming, Walking the Dog, and Stuff

Besdies walking the dog, doing the laundry, and vacuuming, I had time for … nothing else, except taking a 30-minute nap. I had intended to post a picture or two, but I slept through that part of the day. Perhaps tomorrow I'‘ll have time for doing stuff.

Until then, be safe!

Chore Day Nov 6, 2021 and an orange tabby cat yelling "Nooooooo!"

Today was an interesting chore day — instead of doing laundry and vacuuming, I did the laundry and cooked a pot mushroom soup. There were 2 lbs of mushrooms in the recipe, making 4 to 6 servings. It was, of course, a vegan recipe with no dairy, and even better, no added oil. Instead using coconut milk, I used cashew milk that I made in the mighty Vitamix blender.

Later in the day I took nacho on a long high into the mountains above Ashland. The view was spectacular and my legs are aching.

I had a little time to sketch a fiery cat yelling Nooo! This is very rough sketch and, as usual, the eyes are wonky even though I focused intently on making the symmetrical.

Chore Day, Oct 30, 2021 and Another Inch Forward

Betty Burro, Children's Picture Book, Determination, Children's Picture Book, Easter Island, Moai, Clip Studio Paint EX

Tdoay’s chores were vacuuming and doing massive laundry. Instead of the normal two or three loads, I had five today. It was a very exciting day.

Afterwards I had a tempeh sandwich and borscht for lunch. For dessert I had two raw chocolate cookies. Yum. I mean it. As a former junk food addict, I can say that these raw cookies are better that those greasy mall cookies.

To top off my day, I experimented with Krita 5 Beta with this picture of Betty Burro. The hatching on the collar of her shirt is very cartoony, but that’s not Krita’s problem — it’s mine.

Chore Day, Oct 23, 2021 -- Vacuuming, Doing Laundry, and Walking Nacho

A quiet day, just chores, just walking, just trying to get my laptop set up for doing comix. That laptop is 8-years old, hardly used, and has a 17-inch screen. It’s a Samsung 7 Chronos that I bought when I was desperate to have a 17-inch laptop. It looked great in the store, but when I got it home, I hated the keyboard, and the machine would only support two external monitors…and I was using three for work. A few months later, I bought a Thinkpad that would do everything I needed. The Samsung has been sitting in a box for seven years, until now. I’m going to install Ubuntu on it and use it as a dedicated art work station.

Other than that bit of first-world frustration, it’s been a good day.

Chore day, Oct 16, 2022 Back to page 50 one more time

Today’s chores were the same as last week’s chores: vacuuming the house and doing the laundry. Why do I do the same chores every week? Because the deal is that I do the laundry and vacuuming and my partner does the week’s grocery shopping. We split the chores and we’re both happy with what we have to do. She likes to shop and I like to vacuum and do laundry. In fact, I have a history of doing extreme manual labor. I worked manual labor jobs from the age of 13 to 55 and preferred it that way. I wanted work that didn’t take much thinking and left me free to focus on writing novels.

Chore day, Oct 9 and Angry Cats

Today was chore day. As usual, I did the laundry and vacuumed the house. Tomorrow I’m going to make some vegan cheesy saucs.

I had a little time to fuss with this angry cat. I’m also working on creating a portable work station that I can move around the house with when the spirit moves me. I have an old Wacom Intuous 3 that still works like a champ. It’s just the right size to use with on of my old laptops. I love getting old hardware back on the production line.